The unprovoked invasion by Russian has affected all businesses in Ukraine, including law firms and their personnel. At the beginning of the war many foreign law firms or foreign clients supported a number of Ukrainian law firms by offering secondment opportunities to Ukrainian lawyers, which was a great help. The initial belief was that the war would be over within six to 18 months, and that secondees would then return home. Given that the war has become a lasting phenomenon, many secondees have switched to long-term contracts. The war has also affected the mentality of many, and there has been a significant shift in values. We have noticed that a certain percentage of employees have – for different reasons – simply abandoned their profession. It is also more difficult to find good graduates or students to work as paralegals. Students were first affected by COVID, and then the war. Many simply lack motivation or are not switched on to a career because of uncertainties caused by the war. In addition, a number of students have left Ukraine. Clearly, these factors have caused a brain drain; we are one of many firms experiencing difficulties in finding the talent we need.
As to positive trends, we have seen a gradual increase in work volumes. Given various challenges clients are experiencing, I feel that lawyers are ‘adding even more value’ than before. Lawyers who are engaged now assist with resolving non-standard issues, and are much appreciated by clients. A parallel trend is of Ukrainian lawyers remaining abroad but continuing to work for Ukrainian law firms. When the situation becomes more stable (although that may take some time), there is still an expectation that more lawyers and other skilled personnel will return to Ukraine. In the meantime, law firms have adapted by having various types of work arrangement, including part-time, project-based and remote working. In in many ways these provide satisfactory solutions at this time.
Material prepared by Olexiy Soshenko, Managing Partner for CEE Legal Matters (CEELM subscribers only).