In these turbulent times businesses face many challenges, including how to reduce costs to maintain a high profit margin. The creation of a purchasing alliance with other companies allows obtaining better purchase prices and other terms due to larger purchase volumes. In Ukraine such purchasing alliances can be created only after obtaining approval for concerted practices from the Antimonopoly Committee…
Read MoreFor many years, Ukrainian capital markets have barely functioned due to significant gaps and inconsistencies in the underlying legislation. The new law No. 2284 “On amendment of certain laws with respect to investments and new financial instruments” (the “New Law“) which was officially published on 15 August 2020 aims at restarting Ukrainian capital markets. It brings Ukrainian legislation in line…
Read MoreRedcliffe Partners acted as Ukrainian counsel to leading financial technology company YayPay, which specialises in accounts receivable automation solutions, in connection with the acquisition by Quadient, a leading manufacturer of mailing equipment and provider of mailing-related services, for a majority stake in YayPay Inc. Redcliffe Partners also advised on tax-related and competition law matters. The purchase price, excluding transaction-related costs,…
Read MoreWhat does one buy: corporate rights or participation interest? When does an individual or legal entity become a member of an LLC? What provisions regulate transfer of title? Answers to these and other questions have been provided in the article for “YURYST&ZAKON” by Stanislav Rodionov, Associate for Redcliffe Partners. Stanislav has also mentioned about subtleties of these processes. Full text…
Read MoreRedcliffe Partners acted as Ukrainian legal adviser to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in connection with an up to USD27 million short-term secured loan to be provided to Nibulon LLC, one of the largest Ukrainian agricultural companies, for financing of the seasonal working capital needs of the Group’s trading operations, in particular primary processing, storage and transportation of…
Read MoreRedcliffe Partners has advised Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) on obtaining merger clearance from the Ukrainian competition authority for the sale of 70% of the shares to Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), for a total purchase price of USD 69.1 billion. The seller of the shares was the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia (PIF), the sovereign wealth fund…
Read MoreOn 21 July 2020, the long-awaited draft law No. 3658 “On the Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Improvement of Support for the Production of Electricity from Alternative Energy Sources” (the “Draft Law”) was adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine in the second reading. To a large extent, the Draft Law reflects the arrangements set forth in the…
Read MoreRedcliffe Partners acted as Ukrainian legal to EBRD in connection with an up to EUR 25 million term loan to be provided to Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise towards working capital needs. Redcliffe Partners’ role in the transaction included reviewing and negotiating the loan agreement, collection of conditions precedent, and issuance of the Ukrainian legal opinion. Our team advising…
Read MoreFor some considerable time, there has been periodic interest in legal and political circles in the use of Kazakhstan’s experience and the incorporation of British jurisdiction within its own domestic jurisdiction. That is, the creation of a special “court for the protection of foreign investment”, consisting of highly qualified representatives from different jurisdictions: Britain, America, France, Germany. Yevgen Dyadyuk, a…
Read MoreUkrainian law now offers additional anti-raid protection in respect of a limited liability company (the “LLC”). Specifically, Law of Ukraine “On amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine on combating raiding” No. 340 dated 5 December 2019 (the “Law”) has recently come into effect (i.e., the effective date as per the database of the Ukrainian Parliament is 16 July 2020). The…
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